Hi, I am Tim Beachum

The about me page is hands down my favorite part of most websites. This is where the owner is supposed to write about him or herself in the third person to sound important... 

Soooo... After Timothy Rey EL Beachum the third made several attempts to sound smarter than he is by writing about himself in the third person, he decided to quickly abandon that stupid approach and instead write this page as if he was writing a letter to a friend. 

Which technically that is what I am doing... 

Sooooo... What do you want to know?

I live in Virginia Beach... I have been doing this marketing thing for 20+ years. 

I have a son and business partner named Chris who until this day will not admit that I am the all-time dance and madden game champ between him and me.

I am guessing that's not the kind of stuff you are interested in knowing... 

You are probably wondering if this Podcast is worth my time... Should I invest time into reading another word on this page?

For many of you, the answer is NO! You shouldn't invest any of your time listening to this Podcast. 

Here's why I am saying that:


I Cannot Help You Get Rich Quick!
With all of the hocus pocus style content popping up every day most people are starting to believe that you can magically make money online easily. 

I get it... I read this content every day and it is enticing if I must say so myself. I just read an email just now that promised me I would generate $1,253.47 a day or I would get double my money back. 

WAIT... It gets even better... They go on to claim that I can do this completely on autopilot with their set it and forget it secret system that they stumbled upon by complete accident. 

Come on now that does sound enticing! LOL


I can however show you how to put systems in place to help you increase your business's bottom line. It does however take work, and in some cases, you may even have to invest in software, ads, or other items to help you reach your goal. 

If you are not willing to put in the work and bust your butt to get the results that you desire, this isn't the podcast for you. 
If you are looking for a lot of free shortcut advice where you do not have to spend any money...
You are not going to enjoy this podcast.
I listen to a ton of podcasts daily just trying to see what's out there. Truth be told I am usually disappointed in what I am hearing. In my opinion, most digital marketers are saying whatever they have to say to grow their following. I would say it's safe to say that 87% (by my study) of the content online regarding digital marketing is hype. It seems like the big fad now is sharing loopholes on how to do this or that when the truth is you do not need any tricks or gimmicks if you offer a good product and or service. 

Do The Tricks and Gimmicks Work?

Probably... Some of them work at least for the short term. But... If you rely on shady shenanigans you do not have a good business model and will more than likely have a hard time growing your business, not to mention gaining respect and loyalty from your clients. 

In MY OPINION... All of those tricks and gimmicks are nothing more than a waste of time and money. If you want to waste some times go listen to another podcast that I am the co-host of called Stressed out dads. At least you will be entertained!
If You Are Looking For The Easy Way
I Don't Want To Help You
Let me make myself clear... I can help you, BUT... I don't want to! In fact... I refuse to!


Because... Whenever I hear someone say, "What's the easiest way to do XYZ?" What I am hearing is them saying, "I am not fully invested in the long term of my business ...and therefore not interested in the long-term success of my customers."

Look... figuring out where the leaks are at in your business, and deciding on what the best course of action is going to be is not easy. It takes a lot of work and a lot of pulling your hair out. But once you have everything up and running you can kind of take a breather and reap the rewards. It's easier to maintain everything once you have a good system in place. 

Are you still here with me? Good!

Here's what you can expect from this podcast.
  • Actionable strategies and tactics you can use in your marketing right now, for free ...which are followed by:
  • Blatant sales pitches.
Can you believe I just told you flat out that you're going to receive blatant sales pitches from me?

Well, why wouldn't I tell you?

I mean c'mon - I'm one of those marketing guys. I make my money by selling stuff. I will try to sell you something and I won't be subtle about it. 

However - it's always preceded by really valuable strategies and tactics you can use immediately. 

That's free.

The idea is you'll say, "Man, this free stuff really helped me. I think I'll try the paid stuff."

Pretty simple right?

I call it the old "Demonstrate You Can Help Them By Actually Helping Them" trick.

Works like a charm. 

But you still might be wondering...

How Do I Know If Your Stuff Is Any Good?

Well, the smartest thing to do is to just get some of my free materials. 

If you like it, you'll probably like my trainings.

If you don't like it, you won't.

But I think I'm supposed to do the whole "self-aggrandizing biography" thing now so here it goes:

Way back in the 90's I had dreams of making money online and was failing miserably. I was spending any spare income that I had on the next big flashy thing and I had maxed out my credit cards and my wife's credit cards (which eventually lead to divorce). 

I wrote, emailed, and left more voice messages than I can count to a guy named Corey Rudul (the internet marketing guru of the day) begging him to send me his course, and that I would pay him back with interest when I started making money. 

Guess what... The guy actually sent me his course. That course changed my life, it also gave me the mindset about paying it forward and helping others. e.g. this podcast. 

Corey Rudul's course more than anything shifted my mindset. It taught me that making money wasn't magical, there were no shortcuts, it was a flat-out systematic approach that could be duplicated. 

After reading that course I started studying other aspects of marketing. I studied copywriting, direct marketing, cold call strategies chances are if it had to do with marketing I have read it. 

After a few years, I started making money online. I was working a job at the time which made $60K a year which at the time I thought was the end all be all. Then I ended up making that in a single month online. Needless to say, I quit my job!

Fast forward to today and I've helped business owners from around the world in just about every niche market you can imagine. I am talking about everything from selling wedding gowns and tuxedos for small dogs to hair restoration companies. 

I have become the go-to guy when it comes to helping businesses who feel as if they are stuck and want to get to that next level. 

Just a few hours ago I was talking to a private client who heads up the marketing decision for a large movie theater (due to contractual obligations I cannot mention the name) told me that hiring me to consult for them was the best $28,000 that he has spent in his entire career. He went on to tell me that they had made 20+ million as a direct result of the information I had shared with his team. 

Here's What I Will Help You With, Specifically

My main goal is to help you turn advertising into profit by using automation systems.

I am the creator of something called Value Intent Marketing which is a fancy way of saying, "I get people to know you, like you, and trust you before you try to sell them something."

This is in my opinion, a game changer!

I do this by showing you the best way to genuinely help your prospects before they see your pitch. 

Thanks for reading this page!

Tim Beachum
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